Librarians 2011

Our Librarians for 2011:-

They work really hard on their duty day before school, morning tea and lunchtime.  

From the Did You Know? Files

The latest from the 'Did you Know?' files!!  J K Rowling is about to launch a new Website called 'Pottermore' in ONE days and 11 hours.  No-one seems to know what is going to be on that site.  We will have to wait and see.  Click the link below.

Book Week

We recently had a wonderful Book Week. We started the week with D.E.A.R. (Drop Everything and Read), where the bell signalled for us all to stop what we were doing and pick up a book.  Our theme for the week was ‘Growing Readers @ Your Library’.  We had a Decorated Door Competition with each class decorating their door with a book theme.  On the Friday we had a Book Character Dress Up Day where everyone dressed as their favourite book character.  Take a look at some of the photos.

These two decorated doors were first equal in the Senior Syndicate. 

These doors were first equal in the Middle Syndicate.

These two doors were first equal in the Junior Syndicate.

The Judges made two special awards
one for imagination and the other for
'making the Judges Smile'.